Event Day: Sunday, June 1, 2025
Please help us on race day, email kostriathlon@gmail.com.
On this page
- Race Package Pickup
- Race Day Details
- Course maps
- Transition Area Information
- Swim Information
- Bike Information
- Run Information
- 2024 Results
Race Package Pickup
Prince George Aquatic Center, Saturday afternoon (May 31)
Race Day Details
Race Day Schedule
6:15 am: transition area open
7:30 am: Sprint racers (16 and over) start
11:30 am: Last athlete expected
Course Maps
If you registered more than one child in your family, please make sure to look at the correct maps for each child.
- 7* years old and under course map 2025 (PDF)
- 8 to 11* years old course map 2025 (PDF)
- 12 to 15* years old course map 2025 (PDF)
- 16 years old and over (sprint) BIKE course map 2025 (PDF)
- 16 years old and over RUN course map 2025 (PDF)
*The age of your child is their age as of December 31, 2025.
For example, if your child is 9 but turns 10 before December 31, use the 10-year-old map.
Maps will also be posted at the body-marking/check in area.
- Born in 2013 to 2016 = 12 to 15 years old by December 31, 2025
RACE MORNING…this is what YOU can control to help your race start on time.
- Arrive via Ospika Blvd and 18th Avenue.
- No vehicle unloading in front of the Transition Area.
- Go to check-in to sign in, get body numbers and your timing chip.
- Timing chip: to be secured onto your left ankle for the entire triathlon using the strap provided.
- To enter transition, you are required to have your body numbering complete.
- In transition, all racers must rack their bike and set up
- No sharing gear/equipment.
- Be mindful and keep your gear/items in your space.
- Do your best to listen for your chips ‘beep’ signal as you step on each timing mat.
- It's highly recommended to get wet prior to your swim start, this will benefit your swim start.
- Be mentally ready for your race by envisioning yourself having lots of fun with your fellow competitors and embrace the challenges of triathlon!
Pre-race Meeting
There will not be an athlete pre-race meeting on the day of the event.
All details will be posted on the PG Triathlon FaceBook page.
Maps: maps will be posted closer to event day
If you registered more than one child in your family, please make sure to look at the correct maps during package pick up or on the website for each child.
The age of your child is their age as of December 31, 2025.
For example, if your child is 9 but turns 10 before December 31, use the 10-year-old maps.
Maps will also be posted at the body-marking/check in area.
- Born in 2013 to 2016 = 12 to 15 years old by December 31, 2025
Racer Drop-off and Parking
Parking is available behind the equestrian stables and north parking lot of CN Centre (closest section to soccer fields).
Transition Area Information
- Transition: means changing from one activity to another, or in triathlon, the area where the athletes change from swimming to biking and then again from biking to running.
- There will be 1 distinct transition area this year
- Only athletes and race volunteers are allowed in the transition area during the race.
- We have a great bunch of volunteers that will help the littlest of athletes dry off, get their helmet on, do up shoes and attend to all their race needs!
- We encourage parents and friends to cheer on athletes from the transition perimeter and along the course routes.
- Only athletes will be allowed to retrieve their belongings from transition.
- Re-entry will be allowed upon completion of the race, we want to ensure the safety of all athletes and the security of their bikes and gear.
- Be aware of the entrance and exits from transition (called the 'chutes'). Before your race begins, make sure you familiarize yourself with the:
- Swim entrance chute (from pool to transition)
- Bike exit chute (from transition out onto the bike course)
- Bike entrance chute (coming back into transition from the bike course)
- Run exit chute (leaving transition for the last time and heading out onto the run course)
- Remember where your bike and gear are. After setting up your equipment in transition and before leaving for the swim marshaling area, make a mental note of where your bike is.
- You can place your favourite towel over your bike, this will help you quickly find your way to your bike when you are running into transition after your swim.
IMPORTANT in the Transition Area
The transition area is a large 'roundabout' where you will always travel in a counter-clockwise direction.
This includes:
- After the swim when traveling bare feet to the bike rack
- Pushing the bike to the mount line
- After the dismount line on the way to bike rack
- With shoes on to the start of the run course
Essentially, all athletes will complete 2 transition laps as part of the racecourse.
This flow will help minimize collisions, create an exciting atmosphere and allow the race announcer to call your name more often!
Swim Information
> View swim and warm-up times (PDF) TENTATIVE
Swim Course
- All athletes 5 and under must have an adult with them in the water and on course.
- Athletes in the 6-7 and 8-9 age groups can use a device to support them in the water.
- Athletes in the 6-7 and 8-9 age groups are not permitted to have any outside assistance.
- All athletes will enter the water pursuit style in the same lane.
- Swimmers will swim down the right side of the lane and back down the same lane on the right side.
- Once the there and back/50 meters is complete, athletes will go under the lane rope to the next lane to continue.
- All athletes will exit the water at the same point, closest to the exit of the pool.
Swim Info
- Swim start times will be announce on the PG Triathlon Facebook page.
- Swim order:
- Pursuit style (10-second intervals between athletes) with FASTEST athlete swimming first.
- Please make sure that your swim time is up to date. If you need to change your swim time, you can do so up to May 10 by emailing kostriathlon@gmail.com
- Remaining groups will self seed FASTEST to slowest
- Start Lanes
- Sprint and Team 16+ Lane 2 x two laps (350m x 2)
- KOS 14-15 yrs Lane 3
- KOS 12-13 yrs Lane 4
- KOS 10-11 yrs Lane 5
- KOS 8-9 yrs Lane 7
- KOS 6-7 yrs Lane 8
- KOS 3-5 yrs Lane 8 ONE length (will walk pool deck to exit door)
- Athlete ONLY zone will be marked by cones.
Bike Information
Bike Course
- Ideally you should be familiar with road rules and proficient at basic bike skills (e.g. signs, signaling, stopping, cornering, riding in a straight line, and riding with other people/passing). Remember the course is not closed to vehicle traffic.
- This is a technical course and athletes should practice their riding skills. Be extra careful when turning.
- Keep right, stay inside the traffic cones and obey all traffic marshals.
- Slow down for corners, hazards (i.e. bumps, crossings) and turn-a-rounds.
- Make sure to obey traffic marshal's directions to slow down.
- Make sure you know how many laps you have to cycle.
- Training wheels can be used
- Parents may accompany children in the 3-5 yr old and 6-7 yr old age groups if necessary. Parents who accompany their children can join them as they exit from transition.
- Keep your head up, eyes open and be safe!
- Call out when passing someone and pass on their left.
- 16 and up competing in the sprint, no drafting.
- Have fun! Be aware of those around you.
Run Information
Run Course and Finish Chute
- Follow route marshals directions at all times.
- Familiarize yourself with your age specific route(s).
- Make sure you know how many laps you have to run
- Wear your bibs in the front.
- Clear the finish area after completing your race to help the timers do their job.
- Water is provided outside the transition and finish area.
- Have fun and be sure to give the other participants lots of space.
Relay Teams:
- During the race, the timing chip is transferred from the swimmer to the cyclist, then from the cyclist to the runner in the transition area.
- Find an appropriate spot near the cyclist’s racking spot to do the exchange.
- The runner is to wear the provided race bib on the front.
Official Bike Course Rules and Penalties
Refer to ITU rules for penalties.
Drafting: Drafting off another cyclist or motor vehicle is forbidden. Them draft zone of a cyclist is 10 meters long (equivalent to 6 bike lengths measured from the leading edge of the front wheel of the leading cyclist to the front wheel of the approaching cyclist) by the width of the road (this means no side-by-side riding).
An approaching cyclist may enter the draft zone of the leading cyclist but must be seen to progress through that zone. A maximum of 20 seconds will be allowed for an approaching cyclist to pass the front wheel of the leading cyclist. The 20 sec begins when the approaching cyclist is within the 6 bike lengths to the leading cyclist. If a cyclist is unable to pass within the allotted time, they must immediately move out of the draft zone. They may then attempt another pass if they wish.
Draft zones may not overlap.
Blocking: A cyclist may not intentionally 'block' another cyclist and impede their forward progress.
Centre line violation: Cyclists may not, at any time, cross the center line of the road. An automatic disqualification of the cyclist will be issued.
ITU/Tri CAN Regulations – Revised for 2022
Triathlon BC Competition Rules and Regulations
Your Bike - Your Safety - Your responsibility
Make sure that your bike does not let you down on race day.
- Pack 1-2 spare tubes, a pump or CO₂ cartridge inflator and tire levers.
- Practice changing a flat tire, have your bike serviced prior to race day to ensure brakes, chain etc. all in good working order.
- Before racking your bike, check your gearing, tire pressure and brakes!